Writing a batch script to add a Windows startup activation task.

This post explains how to use a batch file to install a startup task with the schtasks command.

1)           Copy and paste the following text into a new batch file. This batch file can have any name and be anywhere on your computer.

schtasks /create /tn Task86 /sc ONSTART /DELAY 0000:30 /RL HIGHEST /tr C:\temp\runme.bat”

2)           Right click on the new batch file and select “run as administrator”.   Executing the schtasks command without administrator privileges will return “ERROR: Access is denied”.


3)           To verify the task was added open the windows tasks scheduler application. Programs-> Accessories -> System Tools -> Task Scheduler.


task scheduler screenshot


4)           From within task scheduler you can see the task added in step 2. The name of the task is “Task86”. This is specified by the text following the /tn parameter indicator. Every task must have a unique name. You will need to change the name parameter in the batch file to install additional tasks.


5)           The task wants to launch a “C:\temp\runme.bat” on startup. Create this file and copy “timeout /t 30” into it. This will open a console window for thirty seconds. Other simple test programs may execute too fast to be noticed. Alternatively you can launch a program such as    %windir%\system32\calc.exe by modifying the string after the /tr parameter indicator.


6)           Restart your computer. Runme.bat will execute thirty seconds after logging in and take priority over most other tasks.   The thirty second delay is caused by “/DELAY 0000:30” in the task creation command. The format is MMMM:SS. Without this delay Windows will try to launch the task before login completes which results in failure. The high priority is specified by “/RL HIGHEST” in the task creation.


7)           If the task did not run correctly go back to the Task Scheduler application. It will provide a task failure report.

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