Custom Hardware and Software Solutions

How Can We Help!

Often legacy equipment utilizes protocols to communicate which are not supported by modern devices or networks. We take these legacy protocols and convert them to BACnet or Modbus or any other protocol to save you the hassle and expense of replacing the legacy equipment.

Chipkin is committed to finding solutions to any type of communication problem in the Building automation and integration sector. For that, regularly build tools to test third-party devices to pinpoint where the breakdown in communication occurs and what device needs to be recommissioned. Resized to 500by333.png                   We solve pain points!!          Resized to 500by333.png

We also provide Stacks that allow your proprietary devices access to larger markets and to facilitate communication with most major protocols in the market. Our Stacks allow your products to speak BACnet and Modbus, the two most widely used protocols in the market. By being able to communicate with one of these protocols, your products will automatically be able to connect to most products in the market. We recognize that our clients have unique operations and our expertise in industrial automation allows us to provide customized affordable solutions both in customized software and hardware.

Custom Driver Development

For products with proprietary protocols or obsolete products with obsolete protocols, Chipkin custom develops drivers to generate Gateways that enable communication with these devices. If you have a device that you cannot connect to your network, give us a call for a free consultation.

We will use our knowledge to find the best solution for you. Even if it is not a Chipkin Solution.

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Custom Hardware Development

Chipkin also develops custom hardware. The image to the left is of a gateway we have put together from scratch. Some protocols require hardware or clients need a hardware solution to replace an expensive device or connect to an obsolete product.

Chipkin has the experience to put together products from scratch or recommend existing solutions. Give us a call, we can help.

Custom Tools and Software

Custom Software and tools generation. Do you require a specific software tool to monitor/control/discover/protect etc. your assets? At Chipkin, we often develop software tools from scratch that later provide to the public for free or for a reasonable price. Some of these tools include our BACnet Explore, our Modbus scanner, our Virtual BACnet etc.

If you require a specific tool to help you improve your job, give us a call at 1-866-383-1657 Option 1.

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