Modbus TCP Windows Data Client/Logger

Chipkin™ Modbus® TCP Data Client/Logger is a device that connects to Modbus® TCP servers as a Modbus TCP Client, and reads and stores the data.

Chipkin™ Modbus® TCP Data Client (aka Data Logger, Data Recorder) is a device that connects to Modbus® TCP servers as a Modbus TCP Client, and reads and stores the data. The data client operates by reading data from the configured registers and stores the values in an internal database. These values can then be logged to an archive file or can be accessed via the data clients REST API as XML, JSON, or CSV data using HTTP Get requests. Log files can be accessed by a Web Browser or FTP client.

The device requires minimal configuration.

CAS2500 - Windows

This device is a Software version of our Data Client/Logger and Gateway. It is compatible with an hardware that can load Windows 7 or 10. It allows you to turn any PC that meets the minimum requirements into a Data Client/Logger and Gateway.

I'd like to inquire about the Modbus TCP Windows Data Client/Logger CAS2500-02. Please provide me with a quote for this product.


CAS2500 - Windows

Minimum Requirements:

  • Operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 10 
  • >= 10 mb disk space 
  • >= 512 mb ram 
  • Ethernet network adapter 

If RS232 or RS485 serial connection is needed, an adapter will be required. Chipkin Automation systems suggest ACON U-01.

Block Diagrams

cas-2500 general Windows data client block diagram

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