BACnet Explorer set the max master

Chipkin BACnet Explorer set the max master

To change the CAS BACnet explorer (v1) MSTP MaxMaster.

1) Open the settings file with notepad. The settings file is stored in of two places

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer\Settings.xml C:\Users\<username>\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer (beta)\Settings.xml

2) Find the iMSTPNmaxMaster value


3) Change the value to a number between 1-254. Note: 255 (OxFF) is reserved for broadcasts.

From the BACnet Spec:

This parameter represents the value of the Max_Master property of the node’s Device object. The value of Max_Master specifies the highest allowable address for master nodes. The value of Max_Master shall be less than or equal to 127. If Max_Master is not writeable in a node, its value shall be 127.

Note: This article is only applicable to version 1.xx of the CAS BACnet Explorer

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