CAS BACnet Explorer: Adjusting MSTP MaxMaster in 3 Steps

To change the CAS BACnet explorer (v1) MSTP MaxMaster:

1) Open the settings file with notepad.  The settings file is stored in one of two places

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer\Settings.xml
C:\Users\<username>\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer (beta)\Settings.xml

2) Find the iMSTPNmaxMaster value


3) Change the value to a number between 1-254. Note: 255 (OxFF) is reserved for broadcasts.

From the BACnet Spec:

This parameter represents the value of the Max_Master property of the node's Device object. The value of  Max_Master specifies the highest allowable address for master nodes. The value of Max_Master shall be less  than or equal to 127. If Max_Master is not writeable in a node, its value shall be 127.

Note:  This article is only applicable to version  1.xx  of the CAS BACnet Explorer

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