CAS BACnet Explorer: Writing to Out of Service Property in 5 Easy Steps

BACnet Integration Solutions

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This article will describe the steps to use the CAS BACnet Explorer to write to the Out Of Service Property.

1) Open the CAS BACnet Explorer and discover for the device that you would like to write to the Out Of Service Property.

2) Click on the Out of Service Property to select it.OutOfServiceSelectProperty-207x300.png

3) Write-Click on the Out of Service Property to bring up the Pop-Menu. Select the "WriteProperty" option.OutOfServiceSelectWritePropertyOption-186x300.png

4) In the Write Property dialog, change the Data Value to either "True" or "False" depending on what value you want to write.OutOfServiceWriteProperty-300x267.png

5) Check that the value did change.

Note: If the Out of Service property is not writable, then you may get the Write Access Denied error.OutofServiceWriteError-300x205.png

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