Data Clients Product Data Sheets
ModbusRTU Data ClientModbusTCP Data ClientModbusTCP/RTU Data ClientBACnetIP Data ClientBACnetEth Data ClientBACnet MSTP Data Client
CAS2500-01 -ModbusRTU Data Client
CAS2500-01-UL - ModbusRTU Data Client
Connects to Modbus RTU slaves to read data. One RS485 trunk with a max of 32 devices is supported. The data and transactions are logged. The log files are available and can be transferred to other computers. Current data can be monitored by remote systems running applications that can issue HTTP or SOAP/XMP GET requests such applications can be easily developed by end users. Of course, this data is available using an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. One RS232 with a max of 1 slave device is supported. Connection parameters, device parameters and data parameters are configurable.
CAS2500-02 ModbusTCP Data Client
CAS2500-02-U ModbusTCP Data Client
Connects to ModbusTCP slaves to read data. The data and transactions are logged. The log files are available and can be transferred to other computers. Current data can be monitored by remote systems running applications that can issue HTTP or SOAP/XMP GET requests such applications can be easily developed by end users. Of course, this data is available using an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Connection parameters, device parameters and data parameters are configurable.
CAS2500-03 ModbusTCP/RTU Data Client
CAS2500-03-UL ModbusTCP/RTU Data Client
Connects to ModbusTCP or ModbusRTU slaves to read data. The data and transactions are logged. The log files are available and can be transferred to other computers. Current data can be monitored by remote systems running applications that can issue HTTP or SOAP/XMP GET requests such applications can be easily developed by end users. Of course, this data is available using an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Connection parameters, device parameters and data parameters are configurable.
CAS2500-04 BACnetIP Data Client
CAS2500-04-UL BACnetIP Data Client
Connects to BACnet IP devices to read data. The data and transactions are logged. The log files are available and can be transferred to other computers. Current data can be monitored by remote systems running applications that can issue HTTP or SOAP/XMP GET requests such applications can be easily developed by end users. Of course, this data is available using an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Connection parameters, device parameters and data parameters are configurable.
CAS2500-05 BACnetEth Data Client
CAS2500-05-UL BACnetEth Data Client
Connects to BACnet Ethernet devices to read data. The data and transactions are logged. The log files are available and can be transferred to other computers. Current data can be monitored by remote systems running applications that can issue HTTP or SOAP/XMP GET requests such applications can be easily developed by end users. Of course, this data is available using an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Connection parameters, device parameters and data parameters are configurable.
CAS2500-06BACnet MSTP Data Client
CAS2500-06-ULBACnet MSTP Data Client
Connects to BACnet MSTP devices slaves to read data. One RS485 trunk with a max of 32 devices is supported. The data and transactions are logged. The log files are available and can be transferred to other computers. Current data can be monitored by remote systems running applications that can issue HTTP or SOAP/XMP GET requests such applications can be easily developed by end users. Of course, this data is available using an Internet Browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Connection parameters, device parameters and data parameters are configurable.