Modbus - A list of Useful tools and applications for Modbus

Did you know that we also do Modbus Integration Solutions?

Chipkin has Modbus solutions for almost every situation. We are experts in Modbus RTU/TCP communication and carry a wide variety of Modbus products: 500pxls_13-18-44-12.png

Here's a useful list of tools to use with Modbus devices:

  • CAS Modbus Scanner  (download)
    • Allows us to retrieve coils, inputs, holding registers, and input registers from a Modbus enabled device.
  • Modbus RTU Parser  (download)
    • Allows us to analyze an RTU message and see what type of message it is, if there are any errors, what device the message came from, etc...
  • Modbus TCP Parser  (download)
    • Allows us to analyze an TCP message and see what type of message it is, if there are any errors, what device the message came from, etc...
  • Wireshark  (homepage)
    • Used for capturing Modbus TCP messages coming through the ethernet port.
    • A full list of the captured data can be found  here.
  • Modbus Specification  (pdf)
    • Official specification of the Modbus Application Protocol
  • Nerds In Control  (homepage)
    • Very useful community website for automation professionals.
    • An excellent place to ask for Modbus help or help others with their Modbus problems.
  • Modbus Simulator  (download)
    • Used for simulating a Modbus server for testing and learning purposes.
  • Simply Modbus  (download)
    • Good Modbus TCP and RTU software, an alternative to our CAS Modbus Explorer and Scanner.
    • Website provides good tutorials on Modbus.
  • Capturing with serial connections  (tutorial)
    • How to capture Modbus messages with a serial connection using free tools like PuTTY.
    • Allows connecting up to 128 Modbus devices through wifi to any Modbus network.

Feel free to suggest other tools that you find useful and we will add them to the list.

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