New Battery Could Power Electric Cars 620 Miles on Single Charge!

Mareike Wolter, Project Manager of Mobile Energy Storage Systems at Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in Dresden, Germany, is working with a team on a new battery that would give electric cars a range of about 620 miles (1,000 km) on a single charge.

Fig: - An illustration that shows how the new electric battery is stacked like a ream of paper.

    • The researchers stacked several of these so-called bipolar electrodes one on top of the other, like sheets of paper in a ream, separating the electrodes by thin layers of electrolyte and a material that prevents electrical charges from shorting out the whole system.

    • The "ream" is sealed within a package measuring about 10 square feet (1 square meter), and contacts on the top and bottom connect to the car's electrical system.

      • The goal is to build a battery system that fits in the same space as the one used by Tesla's vehicles or other electric vehicles, the researchers said.

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