Testing Modbus communication

Modbus Integration Solutions

Chipkin has Modbus solutions for almost every situation. We are experts in Modbus RTU/TCP communication and carry a wide variety of Modbus products:


Q: We want to check the communication between our device and personal computer, so we need the 232 communication software. http://control.com/thread/1026236536

A: There are a few free utilities to check communications between your PC and your Modbus device. Try searching Google for Free Modbus Slave utilities. I recommended that you use CAS Modbus Scanner its pretty simple to use and completely free.

If your PC does not have a RS232 port (AKA serial port) you may have perchance a USB to RS232 converter, Any Staples or Best Buy will have one.

Once you download and install the utility you will have to configure both the device and your utility to have the same communications settings.

Then it’s as simple as trying to read one of your registers on your device.

© Chipkin Automation Systems 2007

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