What is the CAS Gateway IP address tool
To find the IP Address of a CAS Gateway you will need to use the CAS Gateway IP Address Tool. This tool can be found here: Download
To use, simply click the Download link, unzip the file, and double-click the executable file.
The IP of the CAS Gateway will differ depending on how you have connected your computer and the Gateway to the Network.
The CAS Gateway is connected to a router.
If the CAS Gateway is connected to a router, and the CAS Gateway was set to DHCP, then the router will assign an IP address to the CAS Gateway. This IP address will appear in the "Select-a-Unit" frame of the IPSetup Tool, shown below. Use this IP in a browser to test if the connection is good.
The CAS Gateway is connected to a switch or hub.
If the CAS Gateway is connected to a switch or hub with the computer and there is no router as part of the network, then the IP address will appear as DHCP'd at, see image below.
To access the CAS Gateway you will need to set a Static IP Address using the IPSetup Tool. Set the IP to something similar to the computer's IP (for example, if the computer is set to, then set the CAS Gateway's IP to or .71).
Make sure that the Network Mask on the CAS Gateway is the same as the Subnet Mask of the computer.
Press the Set button to assign a static IP. The Gateway will restart.
After the restart, use that IP in a browser to test the connection.
Note: To find out the mask of the computer, simply open a cmd window and type ipconfig.
Note: In the IPSetup Tool, to set the Gateway back to DHCP, set all the values, except the Baud Rate to
The CAS Gateway is connected directly to the Computer
If the CAS Gateway is connected directly to the computer via an Ethernet cable, then follow the same steps as if the CAS Gateway was connected via a hub or switch. However, when setting the IP Address, if the computer contains a Default Gateway, then the Gateway option must match it.
After setting the IP, the CAS Gateway will restart. After the restart, test the IP in a browser to test the connection.
Note: To test the IP in a browser, open a web browser (Google Chrome, IE, Firefox) and in the address bar type in: http://ip. Replace the ip with the actual IP Address of the CAS Gateway. If you see a manual or reports screen, then the connection is good.