CAS BACnet Cli

Chipkin BACnet Command line interface is a command line application that sends BACnet client messages.

Chipkin BACnet Command line (CAS BACnet Cli) interface is a command line application that sends BACnet client messages and parses BACnet response from BACnet devices as human readable text or as machine readable XML.

The CAS BACnet Cli application can be used for many purposes including;

  • Create scriptable end to end integration testing for BACnet server applications.
  • Extending existing application to discover, integrate, write devices, objects and properties of BACnet devices.
  • Testing BACnet server applications.


    Supported BACnet BIBB

    • DS-RP-A: Data Sharing - ReadProperty-A
    • DS-RPM-A: Data Sharing - ReadPropertyMultiple-A
    • DS-WP-A: Data Sharing - WriteProperty-A
    • DS-WPM-A: Data Sharing - WritePropertyMultiple-A
    • DS-COV-A: Data Sharing - Change of Value-A
    • DS-COVP-A: Data Sharing - Change of Value Property-A
    • DS-COVU-A: Data Sharing - Change of Value Unsubscribed-A
    • DM-DDB-A: Device and Network Management - Dynamic Device Binding-A
    • DM-DOB-A: Device and Network Management - Dynamic Object Binding-A
    • DM-OCD-A: Device Management - Object Creation and Deletion-A
    • DM-UTC-A: Device Management - UTCTimeSynchronization-A
    • DM-TS-A: Device Management - TimeSynchronization-A
    • NM-FDR-A: Foreign Device Registration-A


    The CAS BACnet Cli application supports the following commands 

    • Who-Is - Discover BACnet devices on the local network. 
    • Who-Has - Discover BACnet devices on the local network by object name or instance number. 
    • Read Property - Get the current value of an object's property.
    • Write Property - Set the current value of an object's property.
    • Subscribe COV - Subscribe to changes of value for an object's property.
    • Cancel Subscribe COV - Unsubscribe to changes of value for an object's property.
    • Register Foreign Device - Registers a device with a BBMD. 
    • Create Object - Creates an object on a device.
    • Delete Object - Delete an object on a device. 
    • I-Am - Sends a I-AM message.
    • Build Write Property - Stores a combination of Object identifier, Property Identifier, and value to disk to be used by the Send Built Write Property command. 
    • Send Built Write Property - Sends the stored combinations created by the Build Write Property command as a Write Property Multiple message. 
    • Build Read Property - Stores a combination of Object identifier, and Property Identifier to disk to be used by the Send Built Read Property command.
    • Send Built Read Property - Sends the stored combinations created by the Build Read Property command as a Read Property Multiple message.
    • Build Create Object - Stores a combination of Object identifier, Property Identifier, and value to disk to be used by Send Built Create Object 
    • Send Built Create Object - Sends the stored combinations created by the Build Create Object command as a Create Object message. 
    • Reset - Removes temporary files created by whois, whohas, buildcreateobject, buildwriteproperty, buildreadproperty
    • Enum - Lists the enumerations used by the CASBACnetCli command line parameters

    Quick start 

    This is an example usage of the CAS BACnet Cli application testing against the CAS BACnet Stack server example 

    Get the version of the CAS BACnet Cli application and the CAS BACnet stack that the application was built on top of 

    CASBACnetCli.exe --version

    CASBAC-2300-18 CASBACnetCli v0.0.2.0, CAS BACnet Stack v3.6.1.0

    Send a whois message to discover the local BACnet devices including the CAS BACnet stack server example application. 

    CASBACnetCli.exe whois

       Connection String  | SNET |      SADR | Device ID |  Vendor | Max APDU |  Seg |
                     --- Response from BACnetCli tool ---                            | |      |           |    389999 |     389 |     1476 |   No | |      |           |    389201 |     389 |     1476 |   No | |      |           |    389202 |     389 |     1476 |   No | |      |           |    389203 |     389 |     1476 |   No | |      |           |    389200 |     389 |     1476 |   No |

    A whois.txt file is created in the base directory. This file contains the connection string, SNET, SDAR, and device id. This file is used in other commands to look up the connection string, SNET, SDAR by the device id. This file is especially useful when the device is on the other side of a BACnet router and has a SNET or SDAR. 

    The whois.txt file will look something like this,0,,389999,0,,389203,0,,389201,0,,389202,0,,389200
    Send a read property message with the property identifier of ALL (8) to a device (8) with an object identifier of 389999. 

    The property identifier of ALL (8) is special, and the CAS BACnet Cli application will send this request as a read property multiple message instead of a read property message. 

    CASBACnetCli.exe readproperty 8 389999 8 --deviceid=389999

    This command includes the --deviceid parameter. The deviceid parameter tells the system to search the whois.txt file by the deviceid and extract the connection string, SNET, SDAR and use them for this command. The following command is equivalent. 

    CASBACnetCli.exe readproperty 8 389999 8 --ip= --port=47808 --snet=0

    Service: readPropertyMultiple (14)
       Object Identifier: device(8), 389999

                  Property Identifier | DataType         | Value
       ------------------------------ * ---------------- * ---------------------------------
                     apduTimeout (11) | Uint             | 3000
      applicationSoftwareVersion (12) | CharString       | v1
           daylightSavingsStatus (24) | Bool             | 1
                firmwareRevision (44) | CharString       |
                       localDate (56) | Date             | 2018/9/25 (2)
                       localTime (57) | Time             | 15:42:16.0
           maxApduLengthAccepted (62) | Uint             | 1476
                       modelName (70) | CharString       | CAS BACnet Stack
             numberOfApduRetries (73) | Uint             | 0
                objectIdentifier (75) | ObjectIdentifier | device(8), 389999
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | analogInput(0), 0
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | analogOutput(1), 1
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | analogValue(2), 2
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | binaryInput(3), 3
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | binaryOutput(4), 4
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | binaryValue(5), 5
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | device(8), 389999
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | multiStateInput(13), 13
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | multiStateOutput(14), 14
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | multiStateValue(19), 19
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | bitstringValue(39), 39
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | characterstringValue(40), 40
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | dateValue(42), 42
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | integerValue(45), 45
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | largeAnalogValue(46), 46
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | octetstringValue(47), 47
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | positiveIntegerValue(48), 48
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | timeValue(50), 50
                      objectList (76) | ObjectIdentifier | networkPort(56), 56
                      objectName (77) | CharString       | Device_Rainbow
                      objectType (79) | Enum             | 8
    protocolObjectTypesSupported (96) | BitString        | {T,T,T,T,T,T,F,F,T,F,F,F,F,T,T,F,F,F,F,T,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,T,T,F,T,F,F,T,T,T,T,F,T,F,F,F,F,F,T,F,F}
       protocolServicesSupported (97) | BitString        | {F,F,F,F,F,T,F,F,F,F,F,F,T,F,T,T,T,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,T,T,T,F,T,F,F,F,F,F,F}
                 protocolVersion (98) | Uint             | 1
          segmentationSupported (107) | Enum             | 3
                   systemStatus (112) | Enum             | 0
                      utcOffset (119) | Int              | 0
               vendorIdentifier (120) | Uint             | 389
                     vendorName (121) | CharString       | Chipkin Automation Systems
               protocolRevision (139) | Uint             | 12
               databaseRevision (155) | Uint             | 19

    Send a read property message with the property identifier of present value (85) to an analog output (1) with an object identifier of 1. The value should be zero. 

    CASBACnetCli.exe readproperty 1 1 85 --deviceid=389999

    Service: readProperty (12)
       Object Identifier: analogOutput(1), 1

                  Property Identifier | DataType         | Value
       ------------------------------ * ---------------- * ---------------------------------
                    presentValue (85) | Real             | 0

    Send a write property message to update object’s property identifier of present value (85) of an analog output (1) object with an object identifier of 1 

    CASBACnetCli.exe writeproperty 1 1 85 99.6 --datatype=4 --deviceid=389999

    Received SimpleAck with originalInvokeId=[0] and serverAckChoice=[15]

    We want to send a read property multiple for several different objects and properties. We need to build the read property message. The following commands do not send a message on to the network instead they save the parameters to a local file buildreadproperty.txt

    CASBACnetCli.exe buildreadproperty 1 1 77
    CASBACnetCli.exe buildreadproperty 1 1 85
    CASBACnetCli.exe buildreadproperty 1 1 111

    After the above commands have been executed the buildreadproperty.txt file will have the following contents. 


    To send the built read property multiple message we use the sendbuiltreadproperty command 

    CASBACnetCli.exe sendbuiltreadproperty --deviceid=389999

    Service: readPropertyMultiple (14)
       Object Identifier: analogOutput(1), 1

                  Property Identifier | DataType         | Value
       ------------------------------ * ---------------- * ---------------------------------
                    presentValue (85) | Real             | 99.6
                    statusFlags (111) | BitString        | {F,F,F,F}
                      objectName (77) | CharString       | AnalogOutput_Vermilion

    I'd like to inquire about the CAS BACnet Cli CAS-2300-18. Please provide me with a quote for this product.

    Block Diagrams

    CAS BACnet Cli

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