The Ethernet IP driver allows the FieldServer totransfer data to and from devices over Ethernet usingthe EtherNet/IP protocol. The FieldServer canemulate either a Server or Client.
EtherNet/IP uses CIP (Control and InformationProtocol), the common network, transport andapplication layers also shared by ControlNet andDeviceNet. EtherNet/IP then makes use of standardEthernet and TCP/IP technology to transport CIPcommunications packets. The result is a common,open application layer on top of open and highlypopular Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols.
The Driver is able to read/write using the Data Tablestructure employed by all Logix Series PLC’s.
PCCC support is also provided for legacy devicesthat do not fully support CIP encapsulation. EIPPCCC Encapsulation was tested at the FST factoryusing a PLC5 I785 ENET card. The following datatypes were tested:
- N
- F
- S
The Driver also supports PCCC communication onSLC and MicroLogix (Tested on MicroLogix 1400Device)
Fragmented Services (0x52) is supported fordata_table read and write operations.
The M-Bus driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices using M-Bus protocol. The fieldbus connection is included with the FieldServer. The FieldServer can emulate either a Slave or a Master.
The M-Bus QuickServer Gateway is configurable to act as both a Master and a Slave M-Bus device. As
an M-Bus Master the number of devices supported is limited to 64 devices since the FieldServer provides
power to the M-Bus. The M-Bus Master interrogates the Slave devices as the gateway acts as a Master.
It will request information from the Slave devices and receive and process only the expected responses.
As an M-Bus Slave the maximum number of devices is limited to the M-Bus standard of 250. The
Gateway will act as a Slave and will respond only to requests from M-Bus Master devices.