CAS BACnet Explorer 4.0 with Promotional Expired

Chipkin Launching a New Version of the CAS BACnet Explorer 4.0!
With the release of BACnet Secure Connect, Chipkin has been working diligently to develop a New BACnet Explorer which supports BACnet SC. We believe this is the First BACnet Explorer that supports BACnet SC. As a Launch Promotion and Beta test, we are offering a Free 90 day Trial of the explorer to anyone that comes to us between May 16th to June 16th, 2022. We will be in PlugFest testing the New Explorer as well as our BACnet Stack's New features on April 20th to 23rd, 2022.
We are looking for feedback on our New BACnet Explorer for desired Features. To get the 90-day free trial, users just need to click the button below or please call us at 1-866-383-1657 between May 16th and June 16th, 2022 and ask for the 90 day trial. It's that simple! Later, after you have tested it, please provide feedback on desired features and bug fixes.
Get Give us a call to test your BACnet SC and much more!
This is an amazing time to test the New CAS BACnet Explorer 4.0 completely free for 90 days. For clients currently using the CAS BACnet Explorer original, this will be your chance to test and provide feedback on the new explorer to get the features you want. For anyone working with BACnet, this tool is essential and for those working with BACnet SC, this tool is required.
Chipkin's CAS BACnet Explorer is the perfect utility for testing, debugging and discovering BACnet® networks and devices and the New Explorer is now more powerful than ever.
It performs the following functions:
- Exploring
- Debugging
- Monitoring
- BACnet Server Simulating
- Testing and much more!
Chipkin's CAS BACnet Explorer 4.0 Features and Benefits
- Supports BACnet server simulation which users can use the simulator to test their BACnet clients to ensure that they are working as expected.
- One of each Object type: analog_input, analog_output, analog_value, binary_input, binary_output, binary_value, multi_state_input, multi_state_output, multi_state_value, trend_log, trend_log_multiple, bitstring_value, characterstring_value, data_value, integer_value, large_analog_value, octetstring_value, positive_integer_value, time_value, NetworkPort, dateTimeValue,
- Supports following BACnet Client function: Who-is, I-am, Read property, read property multiple, write property, write property multiple. subscribeCOV
- Creates easy to read reports in HTML/XML suitable for documentation.
- Simpler and Smarter user interface with many Automated tasks to simplify and streamline the user experience. Simple enough to be used by someone without any BACnet protocol knowledge
- Enumerations are user expandable to support vendor proprietary enumerations.
- Uses the latest version of the CAS BACnet Stack, protocol Revision 19 with BACnet SC support.
- Easily discover BACnet devices on your network.
- Network card selection.
- Ability to read/write any property of a BACnet Object.
- Tested with 100s of 3rd party BACnet devices.
- Supports selection of BACnet network devices on PCs with more than one network card.
Support Network layers
- BACnet IP.
- BACnet SC (Secure connect
- BACnet MSTP (supported, but not fully tested yet) requires an RS485 port. You will need to purchase a USB to RS485 converter. We recommend using an Abacus USB to RS232/RS485 Converter.
System Requirements
- Windows (7-11) 32bit or 64bit
- Linux
- 150MB of free space.
- MACOS is supported but not yet tested.
CONTACT US directly for support with Chipkin's CAS BACnet Explorer. Comments, Bugs or Suggestions are all welcome.
When sending us a bug report please include the following files. These will greatly help us in finding a solution to your problem:
- C:\Users\
\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer\Debuglog.txt - C:\Users\
\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer\mstp_log.txt (If BACnet MSTP) - C:\Users\
\Documents\CAS BACnet Explorer\packets.pkt (If BACnet IP or BACnet SC)

BACnet for Field Technicians (Free!)
Learning about BACnet? Want to update your BACnet knowledge? This free eBook will guide you through basic and advanced BACnet topics.
You can purchase a hard copy of this book from Amazon or you can download the BACnet for Field Technicians for free from our website.