ENOTE 0056 – Configuring FieldServer for Hot Standby Mode 1 Configuration

ENOTE 0056 – Configuring FieldServer for Hot Standby Mode 1

The only files you will need are HSB_P.ini and HSB_S.ini, there is no config.csv file change required.

HSB_P.ini only needs the following lines of code:

Hot Standby Mode 1 Diagram

HSB_S.ini will have the same lines of code except the HS_Designation field will be Secondary.

Hot Standby Mode 2 Diagram

To set up Hot Standby Mode 1:

  1. Download HSB_P.ini to the Primary FieldServer and HSB_S.ini to the Secondary FieldServer. Ensure the local and remote file names match.
  2. After restarting the FieldServers, the Primary will display a solid Yellow Active LED.
  3. Verify by checking Ruinet's error screen for "System -> Hot Standby (ETH): This Bridge now ACTIVE."
  4. Test by disconnecting power from the Primary; the Secondary's Active LED will turn solid Yellow, indicating activation.
  5. Reconnect the Primary's power to regain control.

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