Iroomba sends toilet pic to FB

Iroomba is a well know vacuum cleaning robot created to help keep your home clean and tidy. comes equipped with a camera that can snap photos of anything it encounters in your home - including your toilet!

However, a recent incident has highlighted the potential dangers of Iroomba's advanced features. Apparently, an Iroomba robot vacuum cleaner took a snapshot of a toilet bowl and sent it to a Facebook user without permission.

The incident occurred when a woman in the UK was using the Iroomba app to control her robot vacuum cleaner. She had set the device to clean her bathroom and went on to do other activities. When she returned to her phone, she was surprised to find a picture of her toilet bowl on her Facebook page.

The photo had been posted by the Iroomba app and was automatically shared with the woman's friends and family. Not only was it an invasion of privacy, but it was also in violation of Facebook's terms of service.

Iroomba alleged the incident to a software bug and advised users to delete the app and set the robot vacuum cleaner to the "do not share" mode to prevent future occurrences of accidental photos being shared on social media.

However, this incident raises important questions about the safety of using internet-connected devices like robot vacuum cleaners. While these devices can provide convenience and save time, they can also pose a privacy risk if they are not used correctly.

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