How to read the NEC for FREE (Legally)
NEC Intro
According to, "Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70 ®, National Electrical Code ® (NEC ®), sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. The 2023 edition of this trusted Code presents the latest comprehensive regulations for electrical wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and installation of equipment."

Read the NEC ® Legally (Free)
To access the NEC document legally and for free, follow these steps:
- Go to the NFPA NEC page
- Click "Free Access"
- Register for an account
- Confirm your email
- Access the NEC document for free!
How to Purchase the NEC ®
Adopted in all 50 states, the NEC ® is the benchmark for safe electrical design, installation, and inspection
to protect people and property from electrical hazards. If you work in any field that requires you to have
this knowledge at your fingertips,
we recommend buying the NEC ® Toolkit Bundle - Exclusive from NFPA. If you only need to read one small
detail, it makes sense to just view the free access - but, if your job is centered around these standards,
here is how you go about purchasing
the 2017 NEC ® Toolkit Bundle:
You'll receive all the tools you need to get the job done right:
- The 2017 edition of the NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC). Hundreds of changes in the NEC bring you up-to-code and ready to address emerging sources of electrical power. Work with the latest comprehensive regulations for electrical wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and installation of equipment. (Softbound, 888 pp., 2017)
- National Electrical Code (NEC) Tabs. Keep access to the most important information at your fingertips. NFPA's bestselling self-adhesive NEC Tabs affix to the pages of the 2017 edition NFPA 70 ®: National Electrical Code ® or NEC Handbook, so you can quickly flip open your book to the requirements you need. Save time every day! (Set of 96)
- Ugly's Electrical References, 2017 Edition. The on-the-job reference for electrical facts and safety data, updated for the 2017 edition of the Access NEC tables, wiring diagrams, NEMA enclosure types, voltage drops, conduit bending and conduit fill information, formulas, and more. Expanded coverage addresses alternative energies and the latest electrical safety information. (Spiralbound, 200 pp., 2016)
- 2017 edition NEC Reference Cards. All-new NEC Reference Cards provide fast and easy access to 13 essential NEC tables for electrical contractors and installers. Keep installations right on the money with durable waterproof NEC Reference Cards.
- FREE! NEC Abbreviation of Terms Cheat Sheet. Your handy source for must-know electrical terms, from AFCI to WR and dozens of terms in between.
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