Chipkin Newsletter - February 2022 Edition

5-minute read: Encode floating-point and 32-bit data in Modbus RTU Messages

Modbus itself does not define a floating-point data type but it is widely accepted that it implements 32-bit floating-point data using the IEEE-754 standard. However, the IEEE standard has no clear definition of byte order of the data payload. Therefore the most important consideration when dealing with 32-bit data is that data is addressed in the proper order. With our IEE-754 CONVERTER, data manipulation can easily be done and verified. see article on how to encode floating points and... for more information on how to convert data in Modbus.

BACnet SC, Chipkin & Plugfest

BACnet SC (BACnet Secure Connect) adds the ability to secure communications of all devices within a BAS and the cloud. Chipkin is excited to announce that it has been working diligently to add the BACnet SC feature to our CAS BACnet Stack as well as to redesign and improve the popular CAS BACnet Explorer tool to support BACnet SC. Chipkin is also excited to launch the CAS BACnet RPC application which will support BACnet SC later this year. Find out more - in this article. Check out this article for more information on our product lines.

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