Newsletter - November 2018

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We go through a lot of trouble to extract key facts and discard fluff. This is concentrated useful information. Smart information for smart professionals.

CAN BUS Protocol

Learn about the CAN BUS Protocol with our easy 10-minute lesson! We explore the CAN System components, network structure, topology, uses, advantages and disadvantages, hardware, protocol framing, and security... Read More!

NEMA and IP Rating

What are NEMA and IP Ratings? Are they the same or are they interrelated? Get an in-depth look at the similarities and the differences between them... Read More!

FREE Download - CAS BACnet Wireshark Storm Tool

Download Now and replay BACnet client messages, directing them to a new IP so you can replicate a site problem where the server could not handle an incoming request properly. Test and simulate message storms and DOS attacks.

Learning Center

Cyber Attack Series:

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Brainiac - Electric Fence

Enter to Win a CAS BACnet Explorer or a Raspberry Pi 3 Desktop Starter Kit.

The winner will be chosen on December 5th, 2018.

Congratulations to Chad R. for winning our August Newsletter Giveaway!


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