Hardware, Software, and Special Tools for KNX

KNX Hardware: 


Fig: Hardware devices that supports KNX 
(Left) Switch module, (center) Line coupler, (Right) KNX Server

KNX Software:

  • System software: It is particularly responsible for processing data communication over the bus, is saved permanently in the device (in the communication module’s ROM) by the manufacturer.
  • Application software (application programs): A device’s application software, on the other hand, is supplied by the manufacturer in an ETS 3 product database. The user must then select the corresponding product software, set the parameters, and then load it into the device using ETS 3 in order to commission the device.
  • Engineering Tool Software Version 3 (ETS 3): ETS 3 is an integrated program for designing and commissioning KNX systems.

KNX monitor:

  • A cloud based remote debugging, monitoring and control system for KNX installations, requiring nothing but an off-the-shelf KNX IP-router and an Internet connection by KNX IP tunneling Protocol.
  • It records every change to a Group Address and storing that as a time-series in a database, which helps in real monitoring of the network for troubleshooting.


For More details: http://www.knxmonitor.com/

KNX supports USB interface 310:

  • How to Connect to a PC - This interface is for establish a bidirectional connection between a PC and the EIB/KNX installation bus. The USB connector has a galvanic separation from the EIB/KNX bus. Both ETS (Engineering Tool Software) versions ETS3 or later and some Visualization tools support this interface.


Fig: (Left) M/USB.1 Interface Module, (Right) Interface to a laptop/PC

KNX Wireless Options:

  • KNX RF Ready - Center Frequency 868.3 MHz
  • KNX RF Multi - Switches between three fast and two slow channels.


Fig: Example of a KNX-RF+line coupler

KNX Energy Meter:

  • KNX supports many varieties of smart metering solutions such as energy meters, heat meters, gas meters, fill level meters and many more..


Fig: Examples of Energy meters that is built on KNX.

Check out other devices that support KNX: https://www.knx.org/in/knx/knx-products/new-knx-products/ 

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